/* ================================================ ----------- Boss ---------- */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Boss = { initialised: false, mobile: false, container : $('#portfolio-item-container'), blogContainer: $('#blog-item-container'), portfolioElAnimation: true, init: function () { if(!this.initialised) { this.initialised = true; } else { return; } // Call Boss Functions //this.queryLoad(); this.checkMobile(); this.pageHeaderTitleAlign(); this.menuHover(); this.stickyMenu(); this.mobileMenuDropdownFix(); this.navbarBtnClassToggle(); this.headerSearchFormFix(); this.headerSearchFormClose(); this.toggleBtn(); this.toggleOverlayClick(); this.fullHeight(); this.sideMenuCollapse(); this.ratings(); this.collapseArrows(); this.scrollToTopAnimation(); this.scrollToClass(); this.menuOnClick(); this.productZoomImage(); this.filterColorBg(); this.selectBox(); this.boostrapSpinner(); this.dateTimePicker(); this.tooltip(); this.popover(); this.servicesHover(); this.countTo(); this.progressBars(); this.registerKnob(); this.flickerFeed(); this.attachBg(); this.parallax(); this.twitterFeed(); this.tabLavaHover(); this.videoBg(); /* Call function if Owl Carousel plugin is included */ if ( $.fn.owlCarousel ) { this.owlCarousels(); } /* Call function if Magnific Popup plugin is included */ if ( $.fn.magnificPopup) { this.newsletterPopup(); this.lightBox(); } /* Call function if Media element plugin is included */ if ($.fn.mediaelementplayer) { this.mediaElement(); } /* Call function if Media noUiSlider plugin is included */ if ($.fn.noUiSlider) { this.priceSlider(); } var self = this; /* Imagesloaded plugin included in isotope.pkgd.min.js */ /* Portfolio isotope + Blog masonry with images loaded plugin */ if (typeof imagesLoaded === 'function') { /* */ imagesLoaded(self.container, function() { self.isotopeActivate(); // recall for plugin support self.isotopeFilter(); self.infiniteScroll( $('#portfolio-item-container') , '.portfolio-item'); }); /* check images for blog masonry/grid */ imagesLoaded(self.blogContainer, function() { self.blogMasonry(); self.infiniteScroll( $('#blog-item-container') , '.entry' ); }); } }, //queryLoad: function () { // var self = this; // if ($.fn.queryLoader2) { // $("body").queryLoader2({ // barColor: "#2a2a2a", // backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", // percentage: true, // barHeight: 2, // minimumTime: 400, // fadeOutTime:200, // onComplete: function() { // /* fadeout then remove loader*/ // /* You can change width-height to achieve different animations after load*/ // $(".boss-loader-overlay").fadeOut(400, function() { // $(this).remove(); // }); // /* Trigger Scroll Animations - Call wow plugin */ // self.scrollAnimations(); // } // }); // } //}, checkMobile: function () { /* Mobile Detect*/ if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { this.mobile = true; } else { this.mobile = false; } }, navbarBtnClassToggle: function () { $('#main-navbar-container').on('show.bs.collapse hide.bs.collapse', function (e) { $('.navbar-toggle').toggleClass('opened'); }); }, toggleBtn: function () { var self = this; $('.btn-toggle').on('click', function (e) { $(this).toggleClass('opened'); if ($(this).hasClass('side-menu-btn')) { self.toggleClassSideMenu(); } e.preventDefault(); }); }, toggleOverlayClick:function () { var self = this; $('.boss-menu-overlay').on('click', function (e) { $('.side-menu, .btn-toggle.side-menu-btn').toggleClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); }); }, toggleClassSideMenu: function () { $('.side-menu').toggleClass('opened'); }, fullHeight: function () { $('.fullheight').each(function () { var winHeight = $(window).height(); $(this).css('height', winHeight); }); }, pageHeaderTitleAlign: function () { /* Vertical align duo to absolute header*/ if ($('.page-header-welcome.fullheight')) { var winHeight = $(window).height(), navbarHeight = $('#header').find('.navbar').outerHeight(), titleHeight = $('.page-header-welcome.fullheight').find('h1').height(), addTopSpace = ( winHeight - ( navbarHeight + titleHeight + 150 ) ) / 2; $('.page-header-welcome.fullheight').find('h1').css('padding-top', addTopSpace); 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} }, destroyStickyMenu: function () { // Destroy Stickymenu for smaller devices if($.fn.waypoint && $(window).width() <= 991) { $('.sticky-menu').waypoint('unsticky'); } }, headerSearchFormFix: function () { // Fix for header search form when fixed menu is active $("[data-target='#header-search-form']").on('click', function(e) { if($('.sticky-menu').hasClass('fixed')) { $('#header-search-form').toggleClass('fixed') } e.preventDefault(); }); }, headerSearchScrollFix: function () { // If header search forn oppen on fixed menu fix when fixed header is over if ($('#header-search-form').hasClass('fixed')) { var winTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if (winTop <= 300) { $('#header-search-form').removeClass('fixed'); } } }, headerSearchFormClose: function () { // Close searh form when document is clicked $('body').on('click', function(e) { if ($('#header-search-form').hasClass('in') && !$(e.target).closest('#header-search-form').length) { $('#header-search-form').collapse('hide').removeClass('fixed'); e.preventDefault(); } }); }, sideMenuCollapse: function () { $('.side-menu').find('.navbar-nav').find('a').on('click', function(e) { if ($(this).siblings('ul').length) { $(this).siblings('ul').slideToggle(400, function () { $(this).closest('li').toggleClass('open'); }); e.preventDefault(); } else { return; } }); }, sideMenuScrollbar: function () { /* Side Menu Custom Scrollbar with slimscroll plugin */ if ($.fn.niceScroll) { var sideMenu = $('.side-menu'), bgColor; /* change rail color via sie menu coloring */ if( sideMenu.hasClass('navbar-default') ) { bgColor = '#7a7a7a'; } else if ( sideMenu.hasClass('navbar-inverse')) { bgColor = '#9a9a9a'; } else { bgColor = '#505050'; } /* if data-railalign attribute is set change rail align duo to it's value */ if (sideMenu.data('railalign')) { var alignRail = sideMenu.data('railalign'); } $('.side-menu-wrapper').niceScroll({ zindex: 9999, autohidemode: true, background: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.03)' , cursorcolor: bgColor, cursorwidth: '6px', cursorborder: '1px solid transparent', cursorborderradius: '4px', railalign: alignRail }); } }, collapseArrows : function () { // Sidebar category collapse (category.html ) $('.category-widget-btn').on('click', function (e) { var $this = $(this), parent= $this.closest('li'); if (parent.hasClass('open')) { parent.find('ul').slideUp(400, function() { parent.removeClass('open'); }); } else { parent.find('ul').slideDown(400, function() { parent.addClass('open'); }); } e.preventDefault(); }); }, twitterFeed: function () { /* Twitter Feeds require jquery.tweet.min.js file and twitter api */ if ($.fn.tweet && $('.twitter-feed-widget').length) { /* Twitter feed for user*/ $('.twitter-feed-widget').tweet({ modpath: './js/twitter/', avatar_size: '', count: 3, username: 'eonythemes', // write your username here loading_text: 'searching twitter...', join_text: '', retweets: false, template: '
' /* etc... */ }); } }, tabLavaHover: function () { /* Require jquery.lavalamp.min.js file */ /* Hover Animation which is used for tabs ( checkout elements-tabs.html page to see ) */ if ($.fn.lavalamp) { $('.nav-tabs-lava').lavalamp({ setOnClick: true, duration: 500, autoUpdate: true }); $('.nav-tabs-border').lavalamp({ setOnClick: true, duration: 300, autoUpdate: true }); } }, ratings : function () { /* Calculate Ratings % and set width */ $.each($('.ratings-result'), function () { var $this = $(this), parentWidth = $this.closest('.ratings').width(), rating = $(this).data('result'), newWidth = (parentWidth / 100) * rating; $(this).css('width', newWidth); }); }, owlCarousels: function () { var self = this; /* index25.html - Shop Arrivals Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.shop-arrivals-carousel-sm').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 } } }); /* index25.html - Shop Popular Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.shop-popular-carousel-lg').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* index26.html - Shop Treding Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.shop-trend-carousel-lg').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* index26.html - Shop Blog Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.shop-blog-carousel-lg').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 } } }); /* index27.html - Latest Products */ $('.owl-carousel.shop-latest-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); 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/* index9.html - Clients Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.our-clients-smaller').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:10, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, responsive:{ 0:{ items:2 }, 480: { items:3 }, 768:{ items:4 }, 992:{ items:3 }, 1200:{ items:3 } } }); /* index12.html - Portfolio Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-showcase-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3 }, 992:{ items:4 }, 1500: { items:5 } } }); /* index12.html - Clients Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.our-clients-small').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:10, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:2 }, 480: { items:3 }, 768:{ items:4 }, 992:{ items:3 }, 1200:{ items:3 } } }); /* index6.html - Blog Post Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.home-blogposts-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:15, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:2 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); 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/* index23.html - Home blog Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.magazine-top-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, navText: ['', ''], dots: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 12000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600: { items:2 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); /* index23.html - Popular Posts */ $('.owl-carousel.mpopular-posts').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600: { items:2 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); /* index23.html - Don't Midd Posts */ $('.owl-carousel.mdontmiss-posts').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 13000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600: { items:2 }, 992: { items:3 } } }); /* index23.html - Bigger Carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.mbigger-posts').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 15000, items:1 }); 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/* Product.html - Product carousel to zoom product section */ $('.owl-carousel.product-gallery-lg').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:6, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 }, 480: { items:4 }, 768: { items:5 }, 992: { items:6 } } }); /* product.html - related products carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.related-products-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); /* Product2.html - Product carousel to zoom product section */ $('.owl-carousel.product-gallery-sm').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:6, responsiveClass:true, nav:false, dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 }, 480: { items:4 }, 768: { items:4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); /* product2.html - related products carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.related-products-carousel2').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:3 }, 1200: { items:4 } } }); /* Portfolio - Related Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-related-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3, }, 992:{ items:4, } } }); /* Portfolio - Other Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-other-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3, }, 992:{ items:4, }, 1200:{ items:5, } } }); /* Portfolio - Similiar Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-similiar-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:30, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3, }, 992:{ items:4, } } }); /* Portfolio - Popular Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-popular-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:2, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3, }, 992:{ items:4, } } }); /* Portfolio - Rated Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-rated-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:15, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3, }, 992:{ items:4, } } }); /* Portfolio - Liked Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.portfolio-liked-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:0, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 768:{ items:3, }, 992:{ items:4, } } }); /* Portfolio - Other Projects Carousel - (elements-carousels.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.our-partners').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:10, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:2, }, 480: { items:3 }, 768:{ items:4, }, 992:{ items:5, }, 1200:{ items:6, } } }); /* Single.html - Related Blog Carousel - (single.html) */ $('.owl-carousel.blog-related-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:15, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, }, 480: { items:2 }, 1200:{ items:3, } } }); /* Wishlist.html - You may also like suggestion carousel */ $('.owl-carousel.wishlist-suggestion-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:false, margin:20, responsiveClass:true, nav:true, navText: ['', ''], dots: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 10000, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 480: { items:2 }, 768: { items:3 }, 992: { items:4 }, 1200: { items:5 } } }); }, scrollTopBtnAppear: function () { // This will be triggered at the bottom of code with window scroll event var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(), scrollTop = $('#scroll-top'); if (windowTop >= 300) { scrollTop.addClass('fixed'); } else { scrollTop.removeClass('fixed'); } }, scrollToAnimation: function (speed, offset, e) { /* General scroll to function */ var targetEl = $(this).attr('href'), toTop = false; if (!$(targetEl).length) { if (targetEl === '#header' || targetEl === '#top' || targetEl === '#wrapper') { targetPos = 0; toTop = true; } else { return; } } else { var elem = $(targetEl), targetPos = offset ? 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} self.scrollToAnimation.call(this, 1200, 0, e); }); }, priceSlider:function () { // Slider For category pages / filter price $('#price-range').noUiSlider({ range: [0, 1000], start: [100, 900], handles: 2, connect: true, serialization: { to: [ $('#price-range-low'), $('#price-range-high') ] } }); }, filterColorBg: function () { /* Category-item filter color box background */ $('.filter-color-box').each(function() { var $this = $(this), bgColor = $this.data('bgcolor'); $this.css('background-color', bgColor); }); }, productZoomImage: function () { var self = this; // Product page zoom plugin settings if ($.fn.elevateZoom) { $('#product-zoom').elevateZoom({ responsive: true, zoomType: 'inner', // lens or window can be used - options already set below borderColour: '#e1e1e1', zoomWindowPosition: 1, zoomWindowOffetx: 30, cursor: "crosshair", // zoomWindowFadeIn: 400, zoomWindowFadeOut: 250, lensBorderSize: 3, // lens border size lensOpacity: 1, lensColour: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', // lens color lensShape : "square", // circle lens shape can be uses lensSize : 200, scrollZoom : true }); /* swap images for zoom on click event */ $('.product-gallery').find('a').on('click', function (e) { var ez = $('#product-zoom').data('elevateZoom'), smallImg = $(this).data('image'), bigImg = $(this).data('zoom-image'); ez.swaptheimage(smallImg, bigImg); e.preventDefault(); }); } }, selectBox: function () { // Custom select box via selectbox plugin // Be sure to include jquery.selectbox.css and jquery.selectbox.min.js files if ($.fn.selectbox) { $('.selectbox').selectbox({ effect: "fade" }); } }, boostrapSpinner: function () { // Custom spinners // Include jquery.bootstrap-touchspin.min.min.js file if ($.fn.TouchSpin) { // Vertical Spinner $(".vertical-spinner").TouchSpin({ verticalbuttons: true }); //Horizontal spinner $(".horizontal-spinner").TouchSpin(); } }, dateTimePicker: function () { // Date Time Picker // Include jquery.bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.min.js file if ($.fn.datetimepicker) { // Both date and time picker $('.form-datetime').datetimepicker({ weekStart: 1, todayBtn: 1, autoclose: 1, todayHighlight: 1, startView: 2, forceParse: 0, showMeridian: 1 }); // Date picker $('.form-date').datetimepicker({ weekStart: 1, todayBtn: 1, autoclose: 1, todayHighlight: 1, startView: 2, minView: 2, forceParse: 0 }); // Time picker $('.form-time').datetimepicker({ weekStart: 1, todayBtn: 1, autoclose: 1, todayHighlight: 1, startView: 1, minView: 0, maxView: 1, forceParse: 0 }); } }, tooltip: function () { // Bootstrap tooltip if($.fn.tooltip) { $('.add-tooltip').tooltip(); } }, popover: function () { // Bootstrap tooltip if($.fn.popover) { $('.add-popover').popover({ trigger: 'focus' }); } }, servicesHover: function () { /* Service Hover animation with animate.css */ $('.service-hover').on('mouseover', function () { $.each($(this).find('.service-icon, .service-title, p'), function () { var animationClass= $(this).data('hover-anim'); $(this).addClass('animated ' + animationClass); }); }).on('mouseleave', function () { $.each($(this).find('.service-icon, .service-title, p'), function () { var animationClass= $(this).data('hover-anim'); $(this).removeClass('animated ' + animationClass); }); }); }, countTo: function () { // CountTo plugin used count animations for homepages if ($.fn.countTo) { if ($.fn.waypoint) { $('.count').waypoint(function () { $(this).countTo(); }, { offset: function() { return ( $(window).height() - 100); }, triggerOnce: true }); } else { $('.count').countTo(); } } else { // fallback if count plugin doesn't included // Get the data-to value and add it to element $('.count').each(function () { var $this = $(this), countValue = $this.data('to'); $this.text(countValue); }); } }, newsletterPopup : function () { // Newsletter form popup - require magnific-popup plugin on page load if ( document.getElementById('newsletter-popup-form') ) { jQuery.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '#newsletter-popup-form' }, type: 'inline' }, 0); } }, lightBox: function () { /* Popup for gallery items and videso and etc.. */ /* magnific-popup.css and jquery.magnific.popup.mi.js files need to be included */ /* This is for gallery images */ $('.popup-gallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: '.zoom-item', type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: false, closeBtnInside: false, mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom mfp-img-mobile', image: { verticalFit: true, titleSrc: function(item) { return item.el.attr('title') + '  source →'; } }, gallery: { enabled: true }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 400, // Duration for zoom animation opener: function(element) { return element.find('img'); } } }); /* Image Popup */ $('.popup-image').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: true, closeBtnInside: false, fixedContentPos: true, mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom mfp-img-mobile', image: { verticalFit: true }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 400 } }); /* This is for iframe - youtube - vimeo videos - goole maps with fade animation */ $('.popup-iframe').magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false }); }, videoBg: function () { // for index7.html // This plugin doesnt work on mobile devices if (!this.mobile) { if ($.fn.mb_YTPlayer) { $(".player").mb_YTPlayer(); } else { return; } } }, progressBars: function () { var self = this; // Calculate and Animate Progress // With waypoing plugin calculate width of the progress bar if ($.fn.waypoint) { $('.progress-animate').waypoint(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('circle-progress')) { var $this = $(this), progressVal = $(this).data('width'), progressText = $this.find('.progress-text, .progress-tooltip'); $this.css({ 'width' : progressVal + '%'}, 400); setTimeout(function() { progressText.fadeIn(400, function () { $this.removeClass('progress-animate'); }); }, 100); } else { // Animate knob --- Circle progrss bars self.animateKnob(); } }, { offset: function() { return ( $(window).height() - 10); } }); } else { // Fallback if the waypoint plugin isn't included // Get the value and calculate width of progress bar $('.progress-animate').each(function () { var $this = $(this), progressVal = $(this).data('width'), progressText = $this.find('.progress-text'); $this.css({ 'width' : progressVal + '%'}, 400); progressText.fadeIn(500); }); } }, registerKnob: function() { // Register knob plugin if ($.fn.knob) { $('.knob').knob({ bgColor : '#eaeaea' }); $('.knob.whitebg').knob({ bgColor : '#fff' }); } }, animateKnob: function() { // Animate knob if ($.fn.knob) { $('.knob').each(function() { var $this = $(this), container = $this.closest('.progress-animate'), animateTo = $this.data('animateto'), animateSpeed = $this.data('animatespeed') $this.animate( { value: animateTo }, { duration: animateSpeed, easing: 'swing', progress: function() { $this.val(Math.round(this.value)).trigger('change'); }, complete: function () { container.removeClass('progress-animate'); } }); }); } }, mediaElement: function () { /* Media element plugin for video and audio support and styling */ $('video, audio').mediaelementplayer(); }, scrollAnimations: function () { /* // Wowy Plugin Add Html elements wow and animation class And you can add duration via data attributes data-wow-duration: Change the animation duration data-wow-delay: Delay before the animation starts data-wow-offset: Distance to start the animation (related to the browser bottom) data-wow-iteration: Number of times the animation is repeated */ // Check for class WOW // You need to call wow.min.js and animate.css for scroll animations to work if (typeof WOW === 'function') { new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', // default animateClass: 'animated', // default offset: 0 // default }).init(); } }, flickerFeed: function () { /* Flickr feed plugin - Sidebar */ if ($.fn.jflickrfeed) { $('ul.flickr-widget-two').jflickrfeed({ limit: 8, qstrings: { id: '54297118@N03' // change with you flickr id }, itemTemplate: '
  • ' + '' + '{{title}}' + '' + '
  • ' }); $('ul.flickr-widget-three').jflickrfeed({ limit: 15, qstrings: { id: '54297118@N03' // change with you flickr id }, itemTemplate: '
  • ' + '' + '{{title}}' + '' + '
  • ' }); } }, attachBg: function () { // Attach background for sections via data-bgattach attribute var sectionBg = $('[data-bgattach]'); $.each(sectionBg, function () { if ($(this).data('bgattach')){ $(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).data('bgattach') + ')'); } }); }, parallax: function () { // Parallax - if not mobile with skrollr js plugin if ( !this.mobile && typeof skrollr === 'object') { skrollr.init({ forceHeight: false }); } if ( this.mobile ) { /* if mobile, delete background attachment fixed from parallax class */ $('.parallax, .parallax-fixed').css('background-attachment', 'initial') } }, isotopeActivate: function() { // Trigger for isotope plugin if($.fn.isotope) { var container = this.container, layoutMode = container.data('layoutmode'); container.isotope({ itemSelector: '.portfolio-item', layoutMode: (layoutMode) ? layoutMode : 'masonry', transitionDuration: 0 }); } }, isotopeReinit: function () { // Recall for isotope plugin if($.fn.isotope) { this.container.isotope('destroy'); this.isotopeActivate(); } }, isotopeFilter: function () { // Isotope plugin filter handle var self = this, filterContainer = $('#portfolio-filter'); filterContainer.find('a').on('click', function(e) { var $this = $(this), selector = $this.attr('data-filter'); filterContainer.find('.active').removeClass('active'); // And filter now self.container.isotope({ filter: selector, transitionDuration: '0.8s' }); $this.closest('li').addClass('active'); e.preventDefault(); }); }, blogMasonry: function () { /* Masonry - Grid for blog pages with isotope.pkgd.min.js file */ // This property is defined at the top of the file var blogContainer = this.blogContainer; blogContainer.isotope({ itemSelector: '.entry', lasyoutMode: 'fitRows', masonry: { gutter: 15 }, transitionDuration: 0 }); }, blogMasonryRefresh: function () { this.blogContainer.isotope('layout'); }, infiniteScroll: function (itemContainer, itemSelector) { if ($.fn.infinitescroll) { itemContainer.infinitescroll({ navSelector : '#page-nav', // selector for the paged navigation nextSelector : '#page-nav a:first', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2) itemSelector : itemSelector, // selector for all items you'll retrieve loading: { msgText: 'Loading Posts...', finishedMsg: 'No more post to load.', img: '//eonythemes.com/themes/t/images/load.GIF' //images/load.gif // you need to give fullpath tp gif } }, function (newElements) { itemContainer.isotope('appended', $(newElements)).isotope('layout'); } ); /* Unbind for manual trigger */ if ($('#infinite-trigger').length) { $(window).unbind('.infscr'); $('#infinite-trigger').on('click', function (e) { itemContainer.infinitescroll('retrieve'); e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).ajaxError(function(e,xhr,opt){ if(xhr.status==404)$('a#infinite-trigger').addClass('disabled'); }); } } } }; Boss.init(); // Load Event $(window).on('load', function() { /* Trigger side menu scrollbar */ Boss.sideMenuScrollbar(); /* Small fix (vertical margin between masonry posts) index blog homepages refresh layout */ if (Boss.blogContainer.length) { Boss.blogMasonryRefresh(); } }); // Scroll Event $(window).on('scroll', function () { /* Display Scroll to Top Button */ Boss.scrollTopBtnAppear(); /* Fix for header search for fixed header */ Boss.headerSearchScrollFix(); }); // Resize Event // Smart resize if plugin not found window resize event if($.event.special.debouncedresize) { $(window).on('debouncedresize', function() { /* Full Height recall */ Boss.fullHeight(); /*Destroy sticky menu for mobile */ Boss.destroyStickyMenu(); }); } else { $(window).on('resize', function () { /* Full Height recall */ Boss.fullHeight(); /*Destroy sticky menu for mobile */ Boss.destroyStickyMenu(); }); } })(jQuery);